Fun ways to get children to try new foods – weekly!

Science shows that children learn best through play. In fact, Dr. Karyn Purvis found that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new connection in the brain. But if it is done through play, the child only need 10-20 repetitions. When we work with kids with feeding challenges, it is so important to take … Read more

3 ways to ask your pediatrician for feeding therapy

When I get a referral for an older kid with feeding problems, parents almost always tell me that they’ve been telling their pediatrician about this for years. Unfortunately, these families often hear things like “they’ll grow out of it” or “they’ll eat when they’re hungry”. Sometimes physicians will say that the child’s growth curve or … Read more

When picky eating is more than “just” picky – and when to get help!

Many parents will describe their kids as picky eaters, but there’s a significant difference between what feeding therapists consider picky eaters versus problem feeders. Diagnostically, problem feeders are referred to as having pediatric feeding disorder (note that this is very different than an eating disorder). And while picky eaters can sometimes benefit from feeding therapy, … Read more

4 tips for surviving holiday meals with picky eaters

As the holidays approach, parents of picky eaters and problem feeders fret about what their children are going to eat at grandma’s Christmas dinner, or their aunt’s Thanksgiving feast, adding extra stress to the usual holiday craze. Fear not, below are 4 easy tips to help navigate holiday meals. 1. Give guests or hosts a … Read more

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