Top 5 Instagrams to follow for less meltdowns: OT approved

Let’s face it, we all spend way too much time on our phones. When I wake up in the morning, I quickly find myself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. And later in the day, I find myself doing the same thing. But social media is not just a space for mindlessness. I also find … Read more

Easy ways to improve interoception & why it matters!

If your child struggles with emotional outbursts, anger, tantrums, or overall regulation, they likely have reduced interoception. Interoception is a person’s ability to make sense their bodily signals. For example, a person might identify that they are hungry based on lack of energy, feeling cranky, their stomach grumbling, or feeling light-headed. However, your body signals … Read more

Simple tips for when your sensory child refuses lotion

Last week, I had a mom come in and tell me that her main struggle this week was getting lotion on her child with sensory processing challenges. He has tactile processing challenges, meaning that he is more likely to process touch input as upsetting or aversive to his skin. I looked down at his hands … Read more

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