Top 5 Instagrams to follow for less meltdowns: OT approved

Let’s face it, we all spend way too much time on our phones. When I wake up in the morning, I quickly find myself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. And later in the day, I find myself doing the same thing. But social media is not just a space for mindlessness. I also find … Read more

Easy ways to improve interoception & why it matters!

If your child struggles with emotional outbursts, anger, tantrums, or overall regulation, they likely have reduced interoception. Interoception is a person’s ability to make sense their bodily signals. For example, a person might identify that they are hungry based on lack of energy, feeling cranky, their stomach grumbling, or feeling light-headed. However, your body signals … Read more

Simple tips for when your sensory child refuses lotion

Last week, I had a mom come in and tell me that her main struggle this week was getting lotion on her child with sensory processing challenges. He has tactile processing challenges, meaning that he is more likely to process touch input as upsetting or aversive to his skin. I looked down at his hands … Read more

Fun ways to get children to try new foods – weekly!

Science shows that children learn best through play. In fact, Dr. Karyn Purvis found that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new connection in the brain. But if it is done through play, the child only need 10-20 repetitions. When we work with kids with feeding challenges, it is so important to take … Read more

How do motor planning difficulties cause tantrums & behaviors?

Motor planning (also called praxis) is one of the trickiest concepts for me to explain to caregivers. It can be really confusing to connect difficulty with motor planning to, say, your child’s meltdown about dinner yesterday. However, motor planning and tantrums can be directly related. It’s important to remember that behavior is a form of … Read more

7 therapist-recommended gifts for impulsiveness & ADHD

Your kids probably have tons of ideas of what they want for Christmas, but wouldn’t it be great if their toys could be therapeutic too? Well, they sure can! In today’s post, we will discuss different games you can use to work on impulsiveness. Impulsiveness & executive functioning First, let’s define what impulsiveness looks like … Read more

3 ways to ask your pediatrician for feeding therapy

When I get a referral for an older kid with feeding problems, parents almost always tell me that they’ve been telling their pediatrician about this for years. Unfortunately, these families often hear things like “they’ll grow out of it” or “they’ll eat when they’re hungry”. Sometimes physicians will say that the child’s growth curve or … Read more

How to write sensory OT goals that actually get reimbursed

Many occupational therapists using a sensory framework run into insurance denials. Unfortunately, due to low quality studies conducted in the past, insurance companies believe that sensory integration therapy is ineffective. However, recent, high-quality studies with fidelity measures embedded have shown that OT using a sensory integration framework is effective for many children. When deciding whether … Read more

When picky eating is more than “just” picky – and when to get help!

Many parents will describe their kids as picky eaters, but there’s a significant difference between what feeding therapists consider picky eaters versus problem feeders. Diagnostically, problem feeders are referred to as having pediatric feeding disorder (note that this is very different than an eating disorder). And while picky eaters can sometimes benefit from feeding therapy, … Read more

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