Meet Ms. Rebecca!

girl smiling on beach hugging her dog

Hi there! I am a pediatric occupational therapist (OT) with exclusive experience in the outpatient setting, where we focus on treating the family as a whole. My clients affectionately refer to me as “Ms. Rebecca”.

I wasn’t always sure I wanted to be an OT, though. In my junior year of college, I was supposed to transfer to graduate school. But something stopped me. I wanted to impact systems and communities as a whole. Throughout my undergraduate career, I worked with communities of all different backgrounds, learning about the differences and commonalities amongst them. Ultimately, the communities I worked with knew what they needed – they just didn’t always have the right tools.

As a wise OT once told me, “OTs can do anything!”. And so, after a brief crisis of faith, I successfully completed my masters in OT. In graduate school, I learned that it was true! OTs can do anything. I found my passion in treating kids with sensory differences, feeding challenges, and Autistic children. I quickly learned that the mere 1-2 hours per week I spent with a child was not adequate – the real work happened when they went home to their families! My job, therefore, is to empower their families to address their children’s individual needs.

Moreover, I know as a new therapist that it can be hard to find resources that are evidenced-based and easy to understand. I hope the resources on my site and blog provide opportunities for new therapists to grow and learn how to empower their own clients!

I have advanced training in sensory processing from the STAR institute, and in feeding from the SOS Approach to Feeding. Additionally, I have training in oculomotor assessment and treatment, as well as experience treating children with a variety of neurodevelopmental and sensory differences.

I hope that the resources on this website empower you and your family.

I welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you! Contact me anytime here.

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